About Us

Your style speaks even before you do!

Hey folks! I am Divya Ramamurthy, the brain and energy behind Avantiqe. An Engineer by education having worked in Corporate, I finally found the courage to materialize my fascination for Jewelry through my brand, Avantiqe. 

I have always been awed by things that are handmade - the excitement of a handmade greeting card, the aroma of fresh home-baked cookies, the warmth of a handwoven sweater. The innocence and charm it brings along is precious!

The perfect balance between this feeling of preciousness and being experimental is the essence of our brand that reflects in the root word of our brand name - 'avant'. 


Our Core Values


Authenticity truly is the next currency - we so believe in this! Be authentic to self, family, friends, customers, employees, vendors. Our practices and approach reflects our firm belief.


Passion invokes excitement in what we do and how we do it. With passion at the heart of everything we do, we nurture creative ideas and inspire excellence.

Think Big: 

Small steps are critical, however, having the ability to think beyond stereotypical boundaries is what separates the mediocre from brilliance. We constantly challenge ourselves to think big.


Thanks for stopping by Avantiqe! We are glad to have you here, happy shopping!